Level 100 Bundle
Families are Forever
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
All Courses, Phase 1
Welcome to Families are Forever international adoption education. This is an interactive training intended to help prepare and equip families for the challenges and joys you will encounter throughout the journey of international adoption.
All Courses, Phase 1
(PREMIUM) Welcome to Families are Forever international adoption education. This is an interactive training intended to help prepare and equip families for the challenges and joys you will encounter throughout the journey of international adoption.
All Courses, Phase 1
(PREMIUM) Discover how a child's culture and living conditions impact their physical and mental development. We'll explore the general characteristics of children and how their early childhood experiences have a lasting impact on them.
All Courses, Phase 1
(PREMIUM) In this course, we’ll go a little more in-depth into intercountry adoption processes. No matter what country you’ve chosen to adopt from it’s probably quite different from your own place and family of origin!
All Courses, Phase 1
(PREMIUM) Discover the impact of trauma on a developing brain. Learn how fear and chronic stress damage the structure, wiring, and chemistry of the brain. Without intervention, children are at risk for a lifetime of problems.
All Courses, Phase 1
(PREMIUM) In this course, you’ll be challenged to think about your understanding of special needs and learn more about how to consider whether or not you are prepared to adopt a child with a medical challenge.